RTK sub-inch accuracy
If RTK is of need, we work with DigiFarm VBN to provide pass to pass repeatability. DigiFarm cellular RTK is the leader when it comes to accuracy for steering. They have created a network of towers to allow the usage of their correction service in virtually every corner of the corn belt. When you log into DigiFarm its into a network, not a tower. No logging in of towers…no tower reliability issues…year after year…pass to pass

Implement Controlling
Whether it is a planter, combine, strip till bar or a sprayer…we can help you control it. We specialize in implement controlling for every implement on your farm:
- Planter-population monitoring/controlling, variable rate, row shutoffs
- Sprayer-Rate controlling, shutoffs
- Strip Till-Multiple product, variable rate capability
- Combine-yield monitoring, field mapping, variety mapping
- Many More possibilities yet!